Ders Öğretim Planı

Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Türü Yıl Yarıyıl AKTS Kredi
EARC211 Theories of Architectural Design Ders 2 3 4.00 3.00



General overview of significant concepts encompassed by the field of architecture. Focusing on key figures, movements, and texts, the course will provide an overview of the principal theories that have informed, animated, or destabilized the architectural discourse. The goal is to develop the students’ critical interpretive skills in architecture by introducing them to architectural texts and their critical interpretations by leading contemporary theorists including philosophers and cultural theorists as well as architects and architectural theorists.

Öğr. Gör. Seda Zafer

1 Mimarlık teorilerini tartışarak eleştirel bakış açışı geliştirebilme
2 Temel figürlere, hareketlere ve metinlere odaklanarak mimari söylemleri analiz edebilme
3 Mimari tasarımın temelinde yer alan düşünce ve felsefeleri çözümleyebilme
4 Tarihte ve yakın geçmişte etki bırakan tasarımları analiz ederek mimari düşünceye eleştirel bir yaklaşım sergilemek.
5 Farklı dönemlerde ortaya çıkan stilleri, teorileri ve bakış açılarını kategorize edebilme

Birinci Öğretim


Architectural theories as a historical and cultural product, influenced, affected and often originating from the dominant frameworks of thinking of the age and architecture. The course will focus on creating a deep understanding about Architecture and Design from a theoretical perspective. In this course, theories of architectural design will be held as an original field of human knowledge where the driving ideas may originate from other disciplines such as art, linguistics, literature or philosophy. This course considers the changing role of theory with respect to practice over the past thirty years, and aims to furnish students with a set of questions, techniques, and tools for criticism and self-critique.

Hafta Teorik [OgretimYontemVeTeknikleri] [OnHazirlik]
1 Introduction : Architecture and Theory Introduction to theory, design, philosophy, aesthetics - definitions of architectural theory, theory, practice, discourse, phenomen, history/ theory, ideology.
2 Historical turns of architectural thoughts chronological overview, from Vitruvius to the modern period, most known debates and critics.
3 Modernism/ Architecture reflects the social conditions of the new age.
4 Bauhaus School / Art and craft combination in Weimer school, Gesamtkunstwerk approach.
5 Postmodernism and Critical Thoughts/ The essential role of ambiguity in architecture.
6 Phenomenology/ Humankind’s situatedness in the world, and focus on the depthlessness of modern existence.
7 Technological Theories / Industrialization, Team 10, Archigram, Hightech
8 Midterm Exam
9 Deconstructivism/ Focusing more on the freedom of form, rather than functional concerns
10 Experience and Movement / Experience, notation, movement in building.
11 Ecology and Sustainability Difficult and complex issues of sustainability which encompass the scope of very aspect of human life.
12 Verancular Architecture and Tectonic Thought
13 Context and Materiality / New Design in Historical Environment
14 Network Practices and Design in Digital World
15 Final Exam

Nesbitt, Kate. 1996. Theorizing a New Agenda for Architecture: An Anthology of Architectural Theory 1965-1995. New York: Princeton Architectural Press. A. Krista Sykes. 2010.Constructing A New Agenda: Architectural Theory 1993-2009 Pallasmaa, Juhani. "Tenin gözleri." İstanbul, YEM Yayın (2011). Pallasmaa, Juhani. The eyes of the skin: Architecture and the senses. John Wiley & Sons, 2012. Conrads, Ulrich. "20. yy mimarisinde program ve manifestolar." Vanlı Mimarlık Vakfı, Ankara (1991). Le Corbusier (Towards a new Architecture), Bernard Tschumi (deconstructivism),

Yarıyıl (Yıl) İçi Etkinlikleri Adet Değer
Ara Sınav 1 100
Toplam 100
Yarıyıl (Yıl) Sonu Etkinlikleri Adet Değer
Final Sınavı 1 100
Toplam 100
Yarıyıl (Yıl) İçi Etkinlikleri 40
Yarıyıl (Yıl) Sonu Etkinlikleri 60

Etkinlikler Sayısı Süresi (saat) Toplam İş Yükü (saat)
Ara Sınav 1 20 20
Final Sınavı 1 20 20
Derse Katılım 10 2 20
Ara Sınav İçin Bireysel Çalışma 1 20 20
Final Sınavı içiin Bireysel Çalışma 1 20 20
Toplam İş Yükü (saat) 100

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ÖÇ 1 5 5
ÖÇ 2 5 5
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ÖÇ 4 5 5
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* Katkı Düzeyi : 1 Çok düşük 2 Düşük 3 Orta 4 Yüksek 5 Çok yüksek